December , 2008
Ms. Lovely Jarina and Ms. Joy Carbaquil went to Escalante National High School to ask permission to Mr. Numeriano A. Talita, the school's principal. But on that day, Mr. Talita was not around because he was in a meeting. So they talked with Mr. Edwin Villadar, the school principal's assistant. After talking with Mr.Villadar, they submitted a letter permitting us to conduct a survey with the 4th year students. And they allowed us to do the survey.December 12, 2008
We and the other group went to Escalante National High School to conduct the survey. We started at 4:00 p.m. Our target respondents are 80 students. 10 students each section. But only 75 students had come. We distributed questionnaire to them and orient them about our survey and why we do that thing.
first Day
first Day of training program
Students of ENHS
Computer Training Program in ENHS started...feb 6,2009
At 11:30 am on that day we and the other group arrived from here in school going to terminal up to the school we're the place we conduct a computer training.
When we are there in the terminal,,there are so many passengers waiting.That moment, we are all so hungry!,but we didn't mind our tummies aching.A few minutes the ceres bus is arrived. Even though the bus is very loaded we force ourselves to get in,because we are running out of time to wait for another.
We arrived at 12:15 pm in ENHS.We directly go beyond to our respective training for the students. First, we went to Mrs. Eva Loberanes, the OIC of that school..,we talk to her that we started a discussion at 1:00 pm, so they refer us to Mr. Aguado the encharge of the computer laboratory room. After we talk to him we gathered some equipments that we are going to used. Sad to say that we cannot borrow the projector because they no key to open the cabinet where the projector being put because Mr. Villadar is not around.